Rebeldes sirios derriban un avión ruso y matan al piloto (Fotos)

Rebeldes sirios derriban un avión ruso y matan al piloto (Fotos)

A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria's northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR
A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


Rebeldes sirios derribaron el sábado un avión ruso en la provincia de Idlib (noroeste) y mataron en un enfrentamiento a tiros al piloto, que había logrado saltar en paracaídas, indicaron el ejército ruso y la organización Observatorio sirio de Derechos Humanos (OSDH).

Al tocar tierra, el piloto fue rodeado por los rebeldes y utilizó su arma, y luego fue abatido, según esas fuentes.

“Un avión ruso Sujoi-25 se estrelló mientras volaba sobre la zona de distensión [militar] de Idlib. El piloto tuvo tiempo de anunciar que se había eyectado en la zona, bajo control de combatientes del Frente Al Nosra. El piloto murió mientras combatía contra los terroristas” precisó el ministerio ruso de Defensa mediante un comunicado.

“El piloto murió mientras peleaba con rebeldes islamistas que habían derribado su avión y que lo iban a capturar” indicó por su parte el OSDH, que cuenta con sus propias fuentes en Siria.

El director del OSDH, Abdel Rahman, no pudo confirmar la facción a la que pertenecen los rebeldes, pero precisó que en el área predomina el grupo yihadista Hayat Tahrir al Sham, que está afiliado a la red Al Qaida.

El avión cayó cuando sobrevolaba la ciudad de Maasran, según el OSDH.

“Ha habido docenas de bombardeos rusos en el área en las últimas 24 horas. Este avión era uno de los que atacaba” explicó Rahman.

Los grupos rebeldes sirios han conseguido derribar aviones del régimen en el pasado, pero lograrlo con aparatos rusos es mucho menos frecuente.

En agosto de 2016, cinco soldados rusos murieron después de que su helicóptero fuera derribado en la misma región.

Las fuerzas del régimen sirio de Bashar Al Asad, respaldadas por Rusia, lanzaron una ofensiva a finales de diciembre para reconquistar la provincia de Idlib, el último enclave totalmente fuera de control de Damasco. AFP

A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows a Rebel fighter taking a picture of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows fire fighters battling the flames at the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows fire fighters battling the flames at the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows the wing of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows parts of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows a Syrian men standing at the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


A picture taken on February 3, 2018, shows a Syrian man standing next to a burnt jet engine at the site of a downed Sukhoi-25 fighter jet near the Syrian city of Saraqib, southwest of Aleppo. Rebel fighters shot down a Russian plane over Syria’s northwest Idlib province and captured its pilot, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. / AFP PHOTO / OMAR HAJ KADOUR


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