Reyes de Holanda comienzan visita de Estado a Gran Bretaña (Fotos)

Reyes de Holanda comienzan visita de Estado a Gran Bretaña (Fotos)

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles and Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, attend a ceremonial welcome at the start of a state visit for King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at Horse Guards Parade, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Christopher Furlong/Pool via REUTERS


La reina Isabel II del Reino Unido recibirá el martes al rey y la reina de Holanda en un banquete, en la primera visita a un estado británico de un monarca holandés en 36 años, durante la cual visitarán la tumba del único rey holandés de Inglaterra.

El rey Guillermo y la reina Máxima fueron recibidos formalmente por la reina británica con una Guardia de Honor antes de realizar una procesión en un carruaje a lo largo de la avenida The Mall de Londres hacia el Palacio de Buckingham, donde almorzarán.

Por la tarde, los reyes holandeses visitarán la tumba de Guillermo III y María II de Inglaterra, la pareja anglo-holandesa que gobernó Gran Bretaña a fines del siglo XVII, y depositarán una corona en la tumba del Soldado Desconocido en la Abadía de Westminster.

El rey Guillermo Alejandro luego dará un discurso al Parlamento antes de tomar el té con el príncipe Carlos, heredero al trono, en su residencia oficial Clarence House.

Un banquete por la noche en el Palacio de Buckingham comenzará con discursos de la reina Isabel y el príncipe Guillermo.

La última visita de Estado de Holanda fue realizada por la reina Beatriz y el príncipe Claus en noviembre de 1982, mientras que la reina Isabel y su marido Felipe hicieron una visita oficial a la reina Juliana y el príncipe Bernardo de Holanda en marzo de 1958. Reuters

Britiain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Jeremy Hunt, King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall stand during a ceremonial welcome at the start of a state visit at Horse Guards Parade, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Christopher Furlong/Pool via REUTERS


Britain’s Queen Elizabeth greets King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands during a ceremonial welcome at the start of a state visit by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at Horse Guards Parade, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Christopher Furlong/Pool via REUTERS


Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Jeremy Hunt, King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall stand during a ceremonial welcome at the start of a state visit at Horse Guards Parade, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Christopher Furlong/Pool via REUTERS


King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, are greeted by Britain’s Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence at the start of a state visit, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Tolga Akmen/Pool via REUTERS


Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, leaves with Britain’s Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, after an official welcome at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence at the start of a state visit by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Tolga Akmen/Pool via REUTERS


King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, leaves with Britain’s Prince Charles, after an official welcome at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence at the start of a state visit by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Tolga Akmen/Pool via REUTERS


King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall stand during a ceremonial welcome at the start of a state visit at Horse Guards Parade, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Christopher Furlong/Pool via REUTERS


King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, wait to be greeted by Britain’s Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence at the start of a state visit, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Tolga Akmen/Pool via REUTERS


Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, leaves with Britain’s Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, after an official welcome at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence at the start of a state visit by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Tolga Akmen/Pool via REUTERS


Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, leaves with Britain’s Camilla Duchess of Cornwall, after an official welcome at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence at the start of a state visit by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Tolga Akmen/Pool via REUTERS


King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands is greeted by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth during a ceremonial welcome at the start of a state visit by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at Horse Guards Parade, in London, Britain October 23, 2018. Matt Dunham/Pool via REUTERS
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