Mérida State producers request the registration of livestock and fuel distribution in the Venezuelan Andes

Mérida State producers request the registration of livestock and fuel distribution in the Venezuelan Andes

Mérida State producers request the registration of livestock and fuel distribution in the Venezuelan Andes


Recently, producers members of the Alberto Adriani Livestock and Farmers Association (Asodegaa) held a working meeting with José Aguilera, Vice Minister of Integrated Livestock Production, which was planned at the previous annual meeting of Fegasur.


This was reported by Edgar Uzcátegui, President of Asodegaa, who stated that when discussing a work agenda last week in San Cristóbal with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land, they consolidated part of those ideas discussed, such as the distribution of diesel, financing, imports and vaccination against foot and mouth disease.

“The livestock associations jointly request the Ministry of Agriculture and Land to develop a registry of the animal units in our territory to have a faithful record and compare the vaccination cycles correctly,” Uzcátegui explained.

He stated that those present displayed their requests. Such is the case of diesel fuel to be supplied through livestock and farmers associations, as with industrial gasoline for the agricultural sector.

Uzcátegui highlighted that there is a good relationship with Vice Minister Aguilera, and each of the requirements were attended to, so they agreed on a next meeting within a month to evaluate all the proposals discussed.

He noted that the attendees presented to the agricultural subcommittee of the National Assembly an initiative to promote other important agricultural sectors within the sector.

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