The nobility of the Venezuelan in the midst of adversity: A couple from Merida provides shelter to abandoned animals

The nobility of the Venezuelan in the midst of adversity: A couple from Merida provides shelter to abandoned animals


Alexa Marina Cruz lives with her husband on ‘vereda’ (alley) 43, San Simón sector of the Carabobo urbanization of the Jacinto Plaza Parish in Mérida State. They live in a humble home and do everything possible to provide daily sustenance to their home, not only for themselves, but for dozens of four-legged friends who have become part of her family.

By Jesús Quintero / Correspondent

In the month of October 2023, a short circuit destroyed part of the structure of the house, leaving it mostly exposed to the elements.

The little house has long been converted into a shelter for abandoned animals, and despite the complex situation they are going through, the love for these little beings often means that the food, although it is very little, multiplies.

She needs help to repair the house where she lives, since since it was almost completetly destroyed that October. Every time it rains, water seeps between the metal sheets, and the few belongings they have deteriorate further.

That is why they request support from kind-hearted people, public institutions, businesses and private companies to collaborate with this cause and continue helping so many animals that need it.


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