Anticipating the visit of María Corina Machado to Ciudad Bolívar and Puerto Ordaz, Venezuelan Chavismo reacts by closing the streets

Anticipating the visit of María Corina Machado to Ciudad Bolívar and Puerto Ordaz, Venezuelan Chavismo reacts by closing the streets

Ante la visita de María Corina Machado a Ciudad Bolívar y Puerto Ordaz, el chavismo reacciona cerrando calles




Both Ciudad Bolívar and Ciudad Guayana, in the south of the country, were getting ready to receive María Corina Machado this June 5th in the afternoon. A few meters from the opposition meeting place, another one will be held by the ruling party in which Diosdado Cabello will presumably be present.

By Pableysa Ostos/Correspondent

In the case of Ciudad Bolívar, all the main avenues and Paseo Orinoco were closed, while in the case of Ciudad Guayana, Paseo Caroní and some areas of Alta Vista had restricted passage, specifically on the Churum Meru road towards Alta Vista- Uyapar Hospital remained closed “for work on 1×10.”

Carrera Guri towards the Villa Asia-Alta Vista Urbanization was also closed to transit and people on foot.

Bystanders also reported the mobilization of bykers from San Félix to Puerto Ordaz, with the intention of refueling fuel at the service station located near the Bauxilum (La Piña) roundabout, which is subsidized and controlled by the government of Bolívar State. It is presumed that they received the “benefit of the subsidy” to attend the ruling party’s call on Guayana Avenue from the La Paz roundabout (known as the Markro vial) to Las Colinas de Unare.