After five days of protests, Sidor workers reach an agreement with chavismo and lift theblockage

After five days of protests, Sidor workers reach an agreement with chavismo and lift theblockage

Tras cinco días de protestas, trabajadores de Sidor logran acuerdo con autoridades y levantan tranca




It was in the dark when the first contact between the workers and representatives of the regional government took place. And it was also in the dark that an agreement was reached.

Pableysa Ostos // Correspondent

The workers of Siderúrgica del Orinoco (Sidor) “Alfredo Maneiro”, took the IV gate of the company on “Avenida de los Trabajadores” on Monday, January 9th. It was not until the fifth day of the protest, that is, Friday, January 13th, that a delegation from the regional government went at 3:00 in the morning to offer a dialogue table.

According to sources linked to said negotiation, Ángel Marcano, Governor of Bolívar State, and Tito Oviedo, Mayor of the Caroní Municipality, traveled to Caracas on Wednesday afternoon in order to be present at the Memory and Account (of the negotiations) to Nicolás Maduro. Over there certain conversations took place and they returned this Friday afternoon to start said negotiations.

The Negotiation

There were 15 workers who took a company bus to the hangar of the state government to start the dialogue table.

After 6:00 in the afternoon, the release of 24 transport units was ordered and another 8 remained locked in.

At about 10:30 p.m., workers and representatives of the regional government signed an agreement. Eight points were agreed upon in the document:

1. Regarding the bus drivers, it is agreed not to process and go ahead with any dismissal.

2. Regarding the workers of the actions already identified, do not process any dismissal.

3. Regarding legal actions: to request the immediate release of the detainees, who have not yet been brought before the courts.

4. Regarding the detainees presented before the courts: It is agreed to request the Governor of Bolívar State his intermediation to process the release of the detainees.

5. Incorporate the proposals presented by the workers, to the proposals that will be presented at the dialogue table in the city of Caracas with the corresponding authorities, such as fair wages and sufficient indexation of the differences generated as a result of the “criminal dollar” (devaluation).

6. Installation of a permanent dialogue table between the presidency of SIDOR, the CVG, the workers and the Bolivarian Central of Workers of Bolívar State, to address issues such as vacation pay and retirement payments, among other issues.

7. Immediate release of buses owned by SIDOR, which are parked on Avenida Guayana at gate 4 of SIDOR.

8. Normalize and clear free traffic on Avenida Guayana.

Detained Workers

A group of workers who had been detained during the protests received a precautionary measure with a “presentation regime” (A type of parole) of every 30 days.

Another group awaits a presentation at a court hearing this Saturday, January 14th.

And in the case of “Bauxilum” workers who were apprehended, their case is handled in another file. Their presentation hearing was deferred. According to sources, a driver and his assistant are the ones involved in the court case. They were not at the Sidor protest, on the contrary, they were going to the company to perform some services when they were coerced to go to the demonstration.

Upon returning from that point, a police checkpoint intercepted them and arrested them.

In total, 12 workers were apprehended, mostly belonging to Sidor (Steel works national corporation).
